IMAGES PROVIDED BY: Getty Getty Getty Getty Getty Getty Getty Getty Getty Getty Getty SOURCES: Northwestern Medicine: “The Best Times to Eat.” HelpGuide International: “Binge Eating Disorder.” Johns Hopkins University: “Yes, drinking more water may help you lose weight.” Mayo Clinic: “Water: How much should you drink every day?” “Foods and Sleep.” Harvard Health Publishing: “Does exercising at night affect sleep?” International Journal of Obesity : “Timing of food intake predicts weight loss effectiveness.” Winchester Hospital: “True or False: Eating at Night Will Make You Gain Weight.” Duke Today: “How to Pack a Healthy Lunch.” CDC: “Planning Meals.” Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Eat Right: “5 Tips to Curb Your Late-Night Snacking.” American Dental Association, Mouth Healthy: “5 Weight Loss Tips That Are Also Good for Your Teeth.” Sleep Foundation: “Weight Loss and Sleep,” “How to Make Your Bedroom Dark.” Cleveland Clinic: “Stress: 10 Ways to Ease Stress.”
This content was originally published here.