Jordan Peterson insists his fad diet helps you lose weight and feel better. I tried it for a week, and let me tell you: it was truly, punishingly awful
When I started my carnivore diet, I had no idea what it would involve. I thought it could be fun. I wasnt to know Id started on a journey that would involve rapid weight loss, complete exhaustion, and a professor of nutrition telling me I was at risk of scurvy.
It had started innocently.
Jordan Peterson, the disaffected males favoured academic and bestselling author, had appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, the irreverent, current affairs-ish show on which Elon Musk recently smoked weed. The pair discussed Petersons self-help book, 12 Rules for Life, which created a stir when it was released in January. Rogan, a comedian and gym enthusiast who resembles a slab of corned beef, told Peterson how slim he looked.
Well, Peterson said.
It was because of his new diet.
I eat beef and salt and water. Thats it, and I never cheat. Ever. Not even a little bit, Peterson said. Hed been put on to the diet by his daughter, Mikhaila, and lost 60lb. Whats more, his anxiety and depression had lifted.
Weight loss? Improved mood? No side-effects? It sounded too good to be true.
It was.
Day one: bring on the beef
I had digestive problems, says Mikhaila Peterson. The diarrhoea lasted six weeks.
Ive called her up, on the morning of my first beef day, to get some tips for my new diet. Mikhaila is a 26-year-old who suffered badly with arthritis as a youngster. Shes not a medical professional, but she tried self-healing by adjusting her diet. She began by cutting out gluten, then going on an elimination diet, which removes foods people are commonly allergic to before adding them back in. A period of self-experimentation followed before Mikhaila settled on a zero-carb diet just greens and meat. The she took out the greens. Then all the meat; except beef.
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