Bride horrifies the internet with a photo of her DIY ‘wedding catering’ pasta salad | Daily Mail Online

A bride has horrified the internet with a picture of her DIY wedding catering, which has been prepared days early in a children’s inflatable pool.

The woman, who posted a photo of the 13 kilos worth of pasta to Facebook, was ecstatic with her homegrown creation.

‘Wedding food prep day three… 30 pounds of pasta salad. Yes that’s an inflatable pool),’ she captioned the photo.

The paddling pool appeared to be full of fusilli pasta of varying colours, along with olives, cherry tomatoes, salami and cheese.

The woman, who posted a photo of the 13 kilos worth of pasta to Facebook, was ecstatic with her homegrown creation

There didn’t appear to be any way the meal was being refrigerated which greatly concerned her fellow Facebookers. 

‘Day three…so presumably the wedding is still some days away. They’re going to literally kill guests with unrefrigerated pasta salad. Bacillus cereus is no joke!’ one person wrote.

‘I feel at this point I would definitely dox them and send this image to people on their friends list to tell them to pass this info along. This could honestly kill people,’ said a second.

‘How long will it sit in that pool? Pasta can kill you once it grows bacteria! Never eat old pasta!’ another warned.

‘Omg ew wtf. Are they trying to murder their entire wedding? Pasta is so dangerous when not kept properly!’ a fourth chimed in.

Bacillus cereus is a type of bacterium that produces toxins that cause vomiting or diarrhoea.

Bacillus cereus is a type of bacterium that produces toxins that cause vomiting or diarrhoea (stock image)

While symptoms are generally mild and can last upwards of 48 hours, there have been recorded deaths from those who have ingested it in the past. 

Other commenters were horrified by the use of a paddling pool to maintain her prized food.

‘Oh that thing my toddlers peed in all summer? It doubles as a serving tray!’ joked one group member.

‘The option for aluminium pans [was] RIGHT THERE,’ pointed out a second.

‘If I was invited to that wedding and saw this post I would immediately be changing my RSVP to “no,”‘ wrote another.

Bride horrifies the internet with a photo of her DIY ‘wedding catering’ pasta salad

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This content was originally published here.

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